A swimming pool is continually gaining heat during the day and losing heat at night – primarily in the form of surface evaporation. Over 70% of the heat loss occurs from this evaporation, which is directly related to the surface area of the pool.
Therefore, when calculating the size of a solar system, we are interested in the pool’s surface area, not the volume.
Once the pool’s surface area has been calculated, the solar area is then determined as a percentage of the surface area, which is called the coverage.
Section One: Pool Information
– Enter as much as the information about the pool as possible.
Section Two: Heating System Information
– Enter as much information as possible including heater efficiency. If there is no heater, go to Section 3.
Section Three: Solar System Information
– If you do not need assistance with sizing the system, please tell us more about the collectors.
– If you would like Aquatherm to size the system, please enter as much information as possible.
– If you are requesting a Solar Performance Analysis, please enter the installed cost.