Dealer Photo Contest! PPP: Pools, Panels & People!

Dealer Photo Contest! PPP: Pools, Panels & People!
July 11, 2011 Aquatherm Solar

We are announcing our first “PPP” Photo Contest for Aquatherm Dealers! We are always looking for great installation photos to add to our marketing efforts, websites, and dealer requests. So what’s the “PPP” stand for? They’re what make the best pictures – Panels, Pools and People. From now until the end of July we are asking that you submit your best installation photos past and present included. What’s in it for you?

Aquatherm will pick the top ten photos and will award the following prizes:

• 1st – 5th place photos will receive an easy-to-use Flip Camera to be able to capture video of your systems to show your customers, post on your website, or even upload to YouTube.

• 6th – 10th place photos will receive a free 4′ x 12′ panel.

The contest ends July 30th so start looking through your best pictures or start clicking now! We will accept a hard-copy mailed photo or a digital version (300 dpi resolution or greater please) emailed to us. Winners will be announced on August 6, 2011. We look forward to seeing some great installation photos and know how hard it will be to pick the top 10.



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