Architects, Engineers & Design


Aquatherm’s engineering and support staff provide the design community with a variety of technical services, including:

  • Plan and specification review
  • Commercial system sizing and layout
  • Solar performance simulation and analysis

Guide Specifications


System Sizing, Layout, and Performance Analysis

sizeArrayA swimming pool is continually gaining heat during the day and losing heat at night – primarily in the form of surface evaporation. Over 70% of a pool’s heat loss occurs from this evaporation, which is directly related to the surface area of the pool. When calculating the size of a solar system, we are interested in the pool’s surface area, not the volume. Once the pool’s surface area has been calculated, the solar area is then determined as a percentage of the surface area, which is called the coverage.

If you require assistance with the sizing and layout of a large-scale / commercial solar pool heating system, we can help.  By supplying us with key information through our site survey form, Aquatherm’s Application Engineering Department will assist you with the sizing and layout of your project.

[button size=big target=_blank color=white link=]Click here to begin the Site Survey Form[/button]

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